Private or Pubic School?


Public or private school

Why would you pay for a private school when a public school is free?  Most parents would say private schools provide a better education.,  Well that is only true sometimes.  The phrase, “you get what you pay for” is true when it comes to some private schools.  When a school has a low tuition, they tend to hire teachers that are not qualified, because they can pay them less.  They may have a degree, but it is not from a credited college.  Sometimes they may even list the college the teacher attended but the teacher never graduated.  They may even have a degree, but not to teach.  Now I do believe that God can give you the talent to teach and you can be great without an education.  I have worked with elementary teachers without an education and they were better than the certified teachers were.  However, those teachers had a deep relationship with God and look at teaching as a ministry.

How much you pay for your child’s education really does not matter either.  Even private schools that charge high tuition have issues.  I substituted in one private school and noticed that their books were pubic schoolbooks.  They just happened to be on evolution when I taught there; immediate I told them that it was false.  The students told me their teacher believed in evolution and God.  I have also even seen well-educated teachers say they are Christians have affairs with students.  One teacher was a female and had a lesbian relationship with a student.  The tuition cost defiantly does not make a school better or worse when it comes to the moral standard.

Other parents say they put their children in private school to keep them away from the bad influences of public school.  Again, that is only true sometimes.  Some private schools will take any students, just for money.  Students that were kicked out of public schools for setting bathrooms on fire, or ones that have been suspended multiple times.  Parents will bring them to a private school in hopes they can straighten their kid out.  On occasion they can, if not they end up bringing the other students down.  I have seen private schools accept students that publicly worship Satan, even to the point they would break out in a satanic trance in the middle of class speaking in a demonic language.  At one school, the students even claimed there was a demon in the choir loft during chapel.  The demonic presence was so strong; I had to pray all the way home after being in the office for just an hour.

Not only are the students dealing with demons and drugs, they have fake Christians.  They have coaches in charge, praying before every game.  However they are teaching the kids it is okay to cheat to win, by putting players on the team that do not attend school there.  Even making fake documents that say they attend the school, against the conference rules.  That is sin no matter how you try to justify it.  I have seen them encourage students to come against teachers for teaching Christian morals.  Coaches should be mentors to the students, not act like a student.

I have volunteered, worked, and even attended, private schools where students were having sex in the bathrooms and selling drugs on the playground.  They would even post pictures on social media of joints in their hands and smoke coming out of their mouth.  Drugs were found in their locker, only to find out their parents gave them to the student to sell.  When I was a student myself, it was not much different.  I remember the drug dogs going through the school.

At this point, you may feel this whole article is negative, that no schools are good.  It may seem that way but I actually have a point,  say with me.

Private schools were founded originally to give children a Christian education.  The curriculum was always Christian based.  Their history books would teach Bible history.  Students would learn that Gorge Washington, who founded our country, was a praying man.  He led the battle against the British with 8,000+ troops, where he was greatly outnumbered.  The British had them surrounded with some 32,000 troops.  The only option was to retreat, but they could not because there was no way out without being seen.  A mysterious fog appeared and the troops were able to escape unseen.  He knew the American Revolution could not have been won without God’s hand.

However, Christianity in the White House took a huge turn, when John F Kennedy was elected president.  He believed, “Religion should be private.”  Kennedy’s silence caused prayer to be taken out of school in 1962 and the Bible band from school in 1963.  The Bible has been in our school curriculum since 1812 when the first school books were printed.

Christian people opened more private schools instead of fighting to keep God in public schools.  I do not understand why the Christians quit fighting for God.  Since then public schools teach anything from discovering you gender preference to how the Muslim religion is great.  In some districts, the students have to deal with gang violence at school, even having to walk through a metal detector just to enter the building.  I know of a student that brought drugs and alcohol to a state sporting event.  The school official called his parents, he was suspended, and he was never allowed to play sports again.  Come to find out the drugs came from his dad.

It seems like there is garbage in all schools.  So which is better private or public?  Do you just choose the lesser of the two evils?  The most important thing in deciding where to send your children in prayer.  Do not look for a school to fix your student; it has to start at home.

My children have attended both; however, they are in public school right now.  Christ is the foundation of our home.  My children know their life should be lead pleasing to God no matter what society says.  They are involved in the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) where they meet other students for Bible study once a week. That is a choice for them not mandatory.  We have been blessed with multiple teachers that are involved with church or are even youth pastors.  I believe it is because God is looking out for my girls.  He is going to be with them no matter where they are because they believe in Him.

God also looked out for them in private school.  Revival broke out at a school my girls attended and lasted months.  We saw a move of the Holy Spirit as I have never seen in a private school prior.  My youngest was filled with the Holy Spirit.  That school represented the real reason you should be sending your kids to private school.  So they can have a place to worship God without being judged by anyone.  The power of God was so strong the kids wanted to worship all day.

As for academics, both of my daughters are straight A students and in Honor classes.  I do not give private school all the credit for that.  My oldest daughter was in pull out classes for years, we spent thousands of dollars on tutors.  Nothing worked; she just could not get anything.  My mom and sister laid hands on her and began to pray that God would open her mind to learn.  She has not been back to a tutor since.  In fact, she became a tutor to younger students.  God turned things around.

Just like our own personal Christian life,  leaders in a private school should have a daily relationship with God,  I do not want you to get the impression I am bashing private schools, because I love them.  I just want you to understand that when the leaders and teachers in a private school quit putting God first they began to fail. Those leaders have to keep their prayer life up just like every other Christian, if not even more because Satan does not want them to succeed.  I prefer a private school if Christ is the center of attention.  Only the ones that keep God first will prosper spiritually.  I have witnessed that first hand.  When He is first, the education your child gets will not only be above the standard but it will be anointed.  It should never be about the money they can make or how many students they have.  It should be about how much the students experience God.  The teacher’s education will not even matter, because if that is what God called them to do the students will learn.

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